Cait’s Review of “City of Ashes” by Cassandra Clare

By: Cait Marie

This is the second book of The Mortal Instruments series. There will be spoilers for book one, City of Bones.

City of Bones review

Clary’s mom is still unconscious, her father has the moral cup, and she’s struggling with finding out Jace is her brother. All she wants is for things to get back to normal, but when Downworlder children start being found dead, Clary is thrown back into the shadow world. With Jace being revealed as Valentine’s son, the Clave begin investigating him. They’re suspicious and don’t believe he didn’t know his father was Valentine.

While Jace is under investigation, Valentine manages to steal the second mortal instrument Maellartach, the Soul-Sword. With it, he’s able to control demons. When his father tries to get him to join his side, Jace must decide whether he can turn his back on everything he believer to protect those he loves.

I really love City of Ashes. After reading the series so many time, it’s hard to remember what happens in each book specifically. So I forgot how much I love this book. There is a lot world-building in this book, and the story starts really going.

One of my favorite things about this part of the series is the character development. Specifically, Alec and Magnus. You get a better look at them and their beginning relationship. Alec starts opening up, and it just makes me so happy. Until this point, he was standoffish and unapproachable, while overprotective of Jace and Isabelle. In this book, we see him make jokes and it shows the other characters’ shock at his behavior.

Actually, one of my favorite parts in all of the Shadowhunter series is during this book. We find out that Clary has the ability to make new runes, so Alec volunteers to try out her ‘fearless’ rune. They don’t think it’s working, but when his parents arrive, he starts to tell them about Magnus. I don’t know why, but that part just cracks me up and warms my heart every time.

We also see Clary more comfortable in the shadow world, Simon grows more confident, and Jace and Izzy continue to be awesome. We even meet Alec and Izzy’s parents and younger brother Max, which gives a clearer picture of them as a family. And the Seelie Queen is introduced, whom is an interesting character the further into the series we get.

I like the pace of this book–of the whole series. I think it’s always this one and City of Glass that I just breeze through because they keep my attention so well. Even after five times reading them. This time, I listened to the audiobook, which is narrated by Natalie Moore. She does a really great job.

I’m eager to continue with City of Glass and hope you’re all enjoying the series! Stay tuned for the rest of the #READShadowhunter posts and reviews.

11 thoughts on “Cait’s Review of “City of Ashes” by Cassandra Clare

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  1. These books are great. I read City of Ashes for the second time with the #ReadShadowhunter readalong (well, I kinda read ahead… I started on the start date and read more than I had to each day). I don’t think it will be my last time either. My little set is eventually going to get a lot of use!

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