Friday Favorites: Main Characters

By: Cait Marie Happy Friday! We often talk about our favorite stories and ships, but I thought it would be fun to give our favorite main characters some attention this week... because they don't get enough. 😉 PS I'm counting anyone with a somewhat frequent POV as a main character. So, most of these are... Continue Reading →

Friday Favorites: Fictional Ships

By: Cait Marie Happy Friday! In honor of Valentine's Day, this week, we're talking about our favorite ships! Now, some of this may be spoilery, so continue at your own risk. 💕 For a full list of the Friday Favorites prompts, click here. Bloggers, the linky to add your post is at the bottom! Magnus... Continue Reading →

Top Ten Tuesday: 2023 Reads

By: Cait Marie Hello! I realized I never shared my favorite books from last year, so here are my top ten! Fourth Wing by Rebecca Yarros A Dose of Agony by Stacey Trombley Hollow Court by Robin D. Mahle & Elle Madison Midnight Vow by Becky Moynihan Today Tonight Tomorrow by Rachel Lynn Solomon My... Continue Reading →

Friday Favorites: Books With Witches

By: Cait Marie Happy Friday! This week's prompt is books with witches! Now, for some of these, I can't remember if they actually use the word "witch," but it includes someone who can use magic, so I'm counting it. For a full list of the Friday Favorites prompts, click here. Bloggers, the linky to add... Continue Reading →

Friday Favorites: Young Adult Books

By: Cait Marie Happy Friday! Today's all about young adult books! Now, the definition of YA varies depending on who you ask, so to help me narrow down the list, I'm just including books with main characters 18 or younger (to my recollection). I primarily read YA, making it really hard choosing which to include!... Continue Reading →

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