Friday Favorites: Indie Authors

By: Cait Marie Happy Friday! April is indie author month, so this week, we're giving some love to our favorites! (Because I've been asked in the past, an indie author is an independent author, meaning they self-publish.) Working in this community changed my life, and it ultimately led to me becoming an indie author myself.... Continue Reading →

Friday Favorites: Found Families

By: Cait Marie Happy Friday! Since the last couple weeks were focused on romance, I wanted this week to be about a different kind of love. Found families is one of absolute favorite tropes, so here are some books I love that fall into that category. *As I was writing this, I realized the first... Continue Reading →

Friday Favorites: Book Boyfriends

By: Cait Marie Happy Friday! Keeping up with the romance theme for Valentine's Day week, today's prompt is favorite book boyfriends and/or girlfriends. Here are some of mine, but it was very difficult to narrow it down! So, I stuck with fantasy this time since last week was all about contemporary romance. For a full... Continue Reading →

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