Friday Favorites: Main Characters

By: Mariah Brown I know I have made a post about my favorite supporting characters, but now I want to talk about my favorite main characters. These characters are always being praised, and I think they need to be under the spotlight a little more. My first main character is from a series I have... Continue Reading →

Fae Friday: Favorite Character Growth

By: Cait Marie For me, characters make or break a book/series. I absolutely love seeing them grow and develop into something so much more than they once were. Kristy over at Caffeinated Fae has created a weekly prompt post called Fae Friday, and last week's prompt was all about this! So, here's how it works if you... Continue Reading →

Fae Friday: LGBTQIA+ Characters

By: Cait Marie The wonderful Kristy over at Caffeinated Fae created a weekly prompt post called Fae Friday, and I thought, what's a better time to jump in than to talk about some of my absolute favorite fictional characters of all time? Here's how it works if you want to participate: Link back to this... Continue Reading →

One Tree Hill Book Tag

By: Cait Marie I've been thinking about rewatching One Tree Hill lately, so when I saw that Isabelle @ The Book Duchesses did this tag a couple weeks ago, I couldn't resist. Without further ado... Nathan Scott A character with a talent you want Ben Evans/Piper HayesLove is a Lyric by Michelle MacQueen Music has... Continue Reading →

Friday Favorites: Main Characters

By: Mariah Brown Today we are going to discuss my five favorite main characters from books I have read. I know some of these books have multiple main characters, but I only want to discuss my favorite out of all of them. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone by J.K. Rowling Most people would say... Continue Reading →

Friday Favorites: Quirky Characters

By: Jenny Gardner Sometimes, the best characters have quirky personalities, which make them intriguing, real, and relatable. These types of characters always endear and bring an extra special quality to great novels. For this Friday Favorites post, I'm going to describe my top four favorite quirky characters. My first quirky favorite was destined to be... Continue Reading →

Shadowhunter Family Book Tag

By: Cait Marie I'm obsessed with all things Shadowhunters. You know this. I know this. My cat knows this. It's my thing. If you want more of an explanation on why these books and characters mean so much to me, check out my review for The Red Scrolls of Magic. Stephanie over at Books in... Continue Reading →

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