Friday Favorites: Romance Books

By: Cait Marie Happy Friday! It's almost Valentine's Day, so it's time to talk about favorite romance books! Now, for the sake of this post, I'm only including contemporary romance. I feel like I post about fantasy romance most of the time, and these books need some love. (Pun unintended.) PS it was extremely difficult... Continue Reading →

Friday Favorites: Fall-Themed Covers

By: Cait Marie Happy Friday! This week's prompt is fall-themed covers! This can be interpreted however you want. These are just some of my favorites that give me fall vibes, even if they're don't actually take place in or relate to the season. For a full list of the Friday Favorites prompts, click here. Bloggers,... Continue Reading →

Top Ten Tuesday: Retellings

By: Cait Marie Everyone knows I'm a sucker for retellings. It's kind of my thing--that's why I have so many planned to release in the next couple years. So, in honor of The Lost Alliance going to the editor, the final book in my Tangled/Robin Hood trilogy, here's a list of some of my favorite... Continue Reading →

TBR Tuesday: Retelling Readathon

By: Cait Marie It's almost time for my next readathon over in my Facebook group: Cait's Inner Circle. Below are the details, as well as my TBR for the prompts! Retelling Readathon - April 1-30 How it works: You get an entry for reading the book of the month, and then another entry per prompt... Continue Reading →

WWW Wednesday: August 5, 2020

By: Cait Marie Oof. It's been a while, eh? Things have been crazy around here, but we're all working on getting back on track. Starting this week with WWW Wednesday! WWW Wednesday is a weekly reading update hosted by Taking on a World of Words. The Three Ws are: What are you currently reading?What did... Continue Reading →

2019 Mid-Year Book Freak Out Tag

By: Cait Marie Can you believe June is almost over?! Well, it is, which means it's time for the Mid-Year Book Freak Out Tag! You can read 2018's here. I saw this done by Melanie over at Mel To The Any. The original tag was created by ReadLikeWildfire and Earl Grey Books! I have read 37 books so... Continue Reading →

Fall Out Boy Book Tag

By: Cait Marie I saw this done by Sara @ The Bibliophagist and I was beyond excited! Fall Out Boy is that band I've loved since middle school--the one I will always love because they've been such a huge part of my life for so long. Story time: I've seen them seven times and met... Continue Reading →

TBR Tuesday: April/May 2019

By: Cait Marie Hello, hello! Things are crazy hectic right now, so I apologize for the lack of posts and reviews. However, things are slowing down in other areas of my life, so I'm going to be reading a lot these next couple weeks. It's a light-ish week of schoolwork, and next week I'm off... Continue Reading →

WWW Wednesday: April 17, 2019

By: Cait Marie Hello, hello! It’s time for WWW Wednesday!WWW Wednesday is a weekly reading update hosted by Taking on a World of Words. The Three Ws are: What are you currently reading?What did you recently finish reading?What do you think you’ll read next? Here’s what’s going on in my book world this week: What... Continue Reading →

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