New Book Tour Service and ANNOUNCEMENT!

That's right, we're now organizing tours for authors! If interested... Authors/PAs sign up here (all info is in form)!Readers/Bloggers sign up here to get email notifications of new tours to participate in! That's not all... We're starting now with Fiction Tinker's Guide to Whimsical Worlds written by award-winning author Theodore Niretac Tinker and illustrated by... Continue Reading →

Friday Favorites: Fictional Worlds

By: Cait Marie Happy Friday! I've been eagerly waiting for this week's topic: fictional worlds. You can find the full list of weekly prompts, over at Something of the Book! Let's just jump right in. Here are my top 5 favorite fictional worlds: 5. Erilea For those who don't know, Erilea is the main continent... Continue Reading →

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