Unpopular Opinions Book Tag

By: Cait Marie

I saw this over on Bookishly Brittknee and I’ve been wanting to start doing tags again, so why not start by making some people judge me?

Let’s jump right in!

A popular book or series that you didn’t like

The Road – Cormac McCarthy

I have tried to read this twice and have DNF’d it twice. People are always saying how good of a book it is, but it’s just so dreary! I know that’s the point, but I can’t. At one point, I started counting how many times it said “gray,” “ash,” or some variation of those words, and I was at like 50 in 20 pages. It’s just not the book for me.

A popular book or series everyone seems to hate but you

The Selection by Kiera Cass

I hear a lot of mixed views about this series, but I loved it. It was like The Princess Diaries meets The Hunger Games. Okay, that’s a horrible comparison actually, but you get the drift. It’s like a dystopian, YA Bachelor, complete with a rebellion, war, and, of course, awkward love triangles. Sometimes it’s nice to switch things up and read something more light-hearted.

A love triangle where the main character ended up with the person you didn’t want them to end up with, or an OTP you don’t like

Leah on the Offbeat – Becky Albertalli

Now, don’t get me wrong, I adore this book and all of its characters. I feel like I’m the love child of Leah and Simon—I’m so similar to them, it’s scary. However, in this book, the two that end up together felt a little out of left field. I don’t know, it just felt a little forced or something.

A popular book genre you hardly reach for


I’ve never finished a nonfiction book before. It just doesn’t happen. I did start Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me, though, last year and enjoyed it. I have every intention of finishing it. I love Mindy, so it’s entertaining and easy to read.

A popular or beloved character you do not like

Ron Weasley

I know I’m going to get a bunch of crap for this one, but I don’t like Ron Weasley. I wouldn’t say I hate him, he just always annoyed me. Probably because I’m a lot like early books-Hermione, except I never grew to love him. At least not as much as the others. I’m not a huge fan of Harry himself either, though… Mind you, Harry Potter is my favorite thing in the entire world. So, that’s not really saying much I guess.

A popular author you can’t seem to get into

Stephen King

I’ve never been a fan of anything horror-related, so I stayed away from Stephen King growing up. I know he writes more than horror, and I actually started Under the Dome once, a few years ago, but his work is just so intimidating. I probably shouldn’t have tried starting with one that’s over 1000 pages long. Now that I read a lot more, I want to give it another chance, but we’ll see.

A popular book trope you’re tired of seeing


I actually like a lot of the tropes that people tire of easily. However, the insta-love one can be a little much at times. Sometimes it’s cute like in What If It’s Us, but others it feels too rushed, like in Shatter Me (even though they went to school together, Juliette and Adam just felt too fast to me).

A common series you have no interest in reading

The Maze Runner – James Dashner

I read the first one after seeing the movie, which I think is the reason I struggled. I got through it, though, so I could read the rest of the series. Started the second book, and lost interest about a third of the way in. I don’t know why—it’s not like it’s boring or horribly written. I just couldn’t get into it.

The saying goes, “The book is always better than the movie,” what movie or tv adaptation do you prefer more than the books?

The Hunger Games

Don’t @ me. I know the books are fantastic. I didn’t know about the books until the movies started coming out. My sister loved the books, and I went to the theaters to see the movies with her, but I didn’t start reading them until after I saw Catching Fire. This is why I always try to read the books first. I love the books, but the movies are my favorite series after Harry Potter, and I watch all four at least once a month.

What are some of your unpopular book opinions? Do you agree with any of these?

4 thoughts on “Unpopular Opinions Book Tag

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  1. Fantastic post! I am storing this tag for April but I agree with so many of your answers. I hate Insta- love, I have not and will never read a Stephen King Novel because of you know reasons…. Plus I will never pick up The Maze Runner as well because I already saw the movie and I don’t care!!

    Ron Weasley is kind of a surprising answer but I think you may be right, Ron can really be annoying at times, in fact, I think I like Fred and George so much more than Ron.

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