Stephanie’s ARC Review of “Draw Down the Moon” by PC Cast and Kristin Cast

By: Stephanie Wyatt

I was given an arc for my honest review.

Draw Down the Moon by PC and Kristin Cast tells the story of two best friends, Wren Nightingale and Lee Young. They both come from powerful Magick lineages of people called Moonstruck. Moonstruck people are people born under Scorpio, Taurus, Leo, and Aquarius moons. Each sign is born with unique abilities that manifest when they are young.

Every once in a while though, a member of a Moonstruck family is not born under one of the moon signs so they are Mundanes. However, on the night of Wren’s eighteenth birthday, she suddenly manifests Moon Magick. She is invited to the illustrious La Academia De Luna for the summer with Lee (an Aquarius moon) to see if she will manifest any type of Moon Magick. Wren finds mysteries that leadership would rather keep hidden. It’s filled with heartbreak, love, and friendship.

This book is split between two points of view: Wren Nightingale and Lee Young. Both points of view were distinct and engaging. Normally, I’m looking forward to one particular point of view while struggling through the others. I enjoyed both of them equally. The side characters were well developed, and I want to hang out with them. It had the perfect amount of world building and college student drama.

The way it was set up like a summer intensive that affects the students’ entire future in the Magickal society was fantastic. Fantasies set at schools are my favorite. A bunch of students stuck in a building with magical abilities always means drama will follow. The book is marketed as Young Adult,  but it’s the perfect example of a clean New Adult romance. There isn’t any sexual content outside of kissing. The pacing is good,and keeps readers on their toes.

Overall, Draw Down the Moon by PC and Kristin Cast is a 5/5 for me. All of the characters were intriguing, and the pacing was good. The academic setting is perfect for the story and the world building is simple. It’s the first book in a duology and ends on a cliffhanger. I’m excited for the next book whenever it’s released. Draw Down the Moon is available wherever books are sold.

Have you read this book? Would you read it? Let us know in the comments!

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