Friday Favorites: Fictional Parents

By: Stephanie Wyatt

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Parents are a bit absolute in fiction if they are included at all. Parents seem to be absolutely amazing or neglectful, evil, and toeing the line of abuse. This list will be a mix of movies, television shows, and books.

Archimedes Q. Porter – Disney’s Tarzan

He always supports Jane in whatever she wants to do. He just wants her to be happy. He’s also funny and has an interesting backstory.

Loxley & Ada –The Nihryst Series by Cait Marie

They are always willing to follow their children in their adventures to keep them safe. Besides they are amazing in a swordfight and love their children fiercely. I wish they could adopt me.

Shane & Phillip Lavens – The Nihryst Series by Cait Marie

Shane and Phillip are the type of parents that complement each other well. Shane tends to appear to be the strict parent. Phillip will keep your secrets for a few days until you muster up the courage to tell Shane yourself. However, if you don’t tell him, Phillip isn’t going to keep a secret from his husband for long. This is an excellent model of relationships for the young people in their lives.

Grams –The Wicked Lovely Series by Melissa Marr

Grams isn’t going to let anyone harm her family. She doesn’t back down from anyone. She’s strict, but only because the Fae are the reason for her daughter’s death. She’s still a good parent in my opinion though because she will do anything for the people she loves.

Papa Sorrengail –The Empyrean Series by Rebecca Yarros

He did everything in his power to give his children the knowledge that they would need to know the truth about the evil force that will destroy life as they know it. Some people may argue that Lilith deserves to be listed too, but even though I understand her actions, I do not think she was a good mother to her children.

Who are your favorite parents? Let us know in the comments!

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