Friday Favorites: Science Fiction Books

By: Mariah Brown

You can find a full list of Friday Favorites’ prompts here.

Bloggers, the linky to add yours is at the end.

So, my current obsession in science fiction is Melissa Smith’s series Among the Cosmos. I can’t wait to read the next book in the series; it is that good. It is an adult series, but still really good. There is a lot of action and adventure in these stories.

Another series I have enjoyed is a YA series called New Life by Melissa Smith. This is even more of an adventure for a human family in space. I enjoyed it so much.

The Moons of Vesoni series is amazing. I enjoyed every bit of it. I just wish there was more to the series. It is by Ivy Penn. She is such an amazing author.

These next few books are books I can’t wait to read.

Mated to the Alien Prince by Lara Roth

Varimar by L. P. Peace

Found by the Alien Lord by Ella Blake

What are some of the science fiction books you read?

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