Non Serviam: The Hypostasis of Dissent Book 1

Author: Sfarda L. GulGet it here! Expressing emotion is prohibited by law in the city state of Vencenza.Beneath its tyrannical shadow, Giorgianna, a deranged former playwright turned political fugitive, flees a brothel to seek justice for the murder of a beloved friend.When the last remnants of her bloodline are reaped by the incorrigible Minister of... Continue Reading →

Hellhound’s Delight

Author: J.C. BallardGet it here! You were partying with your friends. That's the last thing you remember before ending up on a lonely street. Where are they now? What should you do? There's only one way to find out!

Bitten by Trouble: a Paranormal Romance

Author: Lizzy GayleGet it here! Dr. Charlotte Devaux’s just been through hell but taking a break from the mayhem isn’t an option.When she’s tossed into a murder investigation more confusing than her budding relationship with her boss, the sexy, stubborn vampire, Lieutenant Julian Carver, her psychic powers provide more questions than answers. There’s a frustrating... Continue Reading →

Who She Was (Martina Monroe Book 9)

Author: H.K. ChristieGet it here! A missing woman. A man with a secret past. Can Martina uncover the truth in time to save Katie and herself from becoming the next casualty? Five years on from the adrenaline-fueled days of the Cold Case Squad, PI Martina Monroe is now a managing partner at the renowned, Drakos... Continue Reading →

In Mint Condition: A Me Too Mystery

Author: M.L. OrtegaGet it here! Single mom Maggie Chessman finds what might be a valuable Chinese porcelain bowl. When she takes it to be appraised at the local antique store, In Mint Condition, she finds a dead vendor. To her cop boyfriend’s dismay, this isn’t the first body she’s discovered, including a naked corpse in... Continue Reading →

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