Friday Favorites: Fictional Parents

By: Stephanie Wyatt Do you want more awesome lists like this one? You can find them here. Bloggers, the linky to add your list is at the end! Parents are a bit absolute in fiction if they are included at all. Parents seem to be absolutely amazing or neglectful, evil, and toeing the line of... Continue Reading →

TBR Tuesday: March 2024

By: Cait Marie It's been a while since I've shared a current TBR! I've been in a reading slump for a few months, but I gave in and started rereading a favorite series (Shatter Me), and I'm flying through it. It's definitely helping! So, I'm hoping to finish a lot of books this month. It... Continue Reading →

Friday Favorites: Main Characters

By: Cait Marie Happy Friday! We often talk about our favorite stories and ships, but I thought it would be fun to give our favorite main characters some attention this week... because they don't get enough. 😉 PS I'm counting anyone with a somewhat frequent POV as a main character. So, most of these are... Continue Reading →

Friday Favorites: Fictional Ships

By: Cait Marie Happy Friday! In honor of Valentine's Day, this week, we're talking about our favorite ships! Now, some of this may be spoilery, so continue at your own risk. 💕 For a full list of the Friday Favorites prompts, click here. Bloggers, the linky to add your post is at the bottom! Magnus... Continue Reading →

Friday Favorites: Brave Characters

By: Stephanie Wyatt Happy Friday everyone! Brave characters are the best. They are the ones who are willing to risk everything for their friends and family. Here are a few of my favorite brave characters in books. You can find cool lists like this one here. Bloggers, the linky to add yours is at the... Continue Reading →

Top Ten Tuesday: 2023 Reads

By: Cait Marie Hello! I realized I never shared my favorite books from last year, so here are my top ten! Fourth Wing by Rebecca Yarros A Dose of Agony by Stacey Trombley Hollow Court by Robin D. Mahle & Elle Madison Midnight Vow by Becky Moynihan Today Tonight Tomorrow by Rachel Lynn Solomon My... Continue Reading →

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