TBR Tuesday: Fall 2023

By: Mariah Brown

Here is a list of books I’ll be reading in the next month or so, hopefully!

Possessed by Antara Mann is an ARC I received to read asap, and I’m super excited!

The Prophecy Series by Bre Rose is another ARC I received, and I can’t wait to read it.

Petty Deadly Gorgeous by Ivy Penn has been given to me to read, this one I’ve been looking forward to so much!

I plan to re-read The Altruist and the Assassin by Sarah M. Cradit. I love all of her books and can’t wait! It’s been a while since I’ve read it.

Poison and Potato Salad by Amity Allen is my one Halloween-y type book that I truly want to read. It sounds really interesting.

Let me know what you plan to read in the next month.

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